Practicing What I Preach, LBD the Blog is Born

The funny thing is, we started Little Blog Dress without the components of what we were marketing to our clients of how to brand your business using Social Media.
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Blog

Facebook is now up and running to full capacity but in a manner of PURE self indulgence I decided that starting today this website would post updates on the business side of Little Blog Dress and I would create a new blog that would just touch on Social Media and its trends in the most elegant way I could muster.

May I present to you, LBD-the Blog. Think Mashable with a beautiful shade of red lipstick on her lips, Chanel sunglasses and the latest shape of OPI on her nails. It will be fun, it will be informative and it will be continuing Little Blog Dress's mission statement of helping your business look its very best.

And um, we will talk about Twitter another time.


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